Hill training -What it does for you
In hill running, you use your body weight as resistance, so your legs have to work harder.
- Technique -aim for a “bouncy” style, good knee lift and maximum movement in the ankle.
- Drive hard, pushing upwards with toes, flexing ankles as much as possible, landing on the front part of the foot and then letting the heel come down below the level of the toes as the weight is taken.
This stretches the calf muscles upwards and downwards as much as possible and will improve the power and elasticity in your muscles. Look straight ahead, run loosely and free of tension.
With all hill sessions, it is important to warm up before and to cool down after the hill session – easy jog for 5 to 10 minutes followed by stretching exercises.
Hill training for Strength development – example
- Run up hill (200-400m) with a rapid stride rate and good knee lift
- Recovery jog back down
- Start with 2 sets of 4 repetitions and gradually increase over time
Benefits of Hill training:
- helps develop power and muscle elasticity
- promotes strength endurance
- develops maximum speed and strength (short hills)
- improves lactate tolerance (mixed hills)