New members and visitors of all abilities and ages are always welcome.
There is no need to sign up as a member before your first time, just come along to the club rooms for 1:30pm and see if it is for you. If it’s your first time, check the calendar to make sure that it’s a club day – otherwise there may be nobody at the club rooms to meet you.
We meet at our Clubrooms, at the Petone Recreation Ground, Petone, Lower Hutt – shared with the Petone Cricket Club in the North East corner of the park off Udy Street.
When you arrive, ask to speak to the Club Captain or one of the committee members and we will let you know what is happening that day.
Club uniform is not necessary, just come dressed comfortably and appropriately to walk/run.
If you want to know more, get in touch with our Club Captain.
The general format for Club Days is as follows:
- Meet at the club rooms from 1:30pm
- Announcements and briefing at 1:45pm (including routes, group leaders, etc.)
- Walking, jogging and running packs depart club rooms at 2:00pm
- All groups depart from and return to the club rooms unless otherwise stated
Beginners Group
- Approximately 45 to 60 minutes.
- Includes a short jog, drills and other activities to develop fitness
- Suitable for anyone 15 and over
Walking Group
- Approximately 60 minutes
- Conversational pace, comfortable for all
Children’s and Juniors Groups (all under 16s)
- Meet at the club rooms, and run on nearby areas
- Approximately 60 minutes
- Multiple groups to suit abilities
- Parents are expected to help out where possible, but we will be there to give you guidance
Note: Harriers is not a drop-off activity – it is organised and supported by club members and parent volunteers, we generally expect parents and caregivers to support the groups – running is optional, however.
Running and Jogging groups (16 years and older)
- Multiple groups at various paces
- Approximately 60 minutes
- Routes are confirmed on the day
- Depending on preferences of members and weather conditions on the day, distance, terrain, and pace varies
- Can include off road, trails, flats, hills and paved surfaces