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Sad News for Hutt Valley Harriers

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It is with much sadness that I notify members of Hutt Valley Harriers of the passing of Jack Uren.

Jack was a long time member of Hutt Valley Harriers, participating in many events over the years, including the Wellington to Masterton Road Relay.

Jack took a break from the club before returning to join our Saturday afternoon walking group.  Jack became a regular in the club’s small walking group and always joined in a cup of tea and a chat and a laugh on the deck of the club rooms with fellow members after on Saturdays..   Jack’s health suffered a set back last year, which ended his ability to join our walkers this year, however members of the walking group still made regular visits to Jack at home to catch up and spend some time with him.

Sadly Jack passed away suddenly on Wednesday, at the age of 74.

We pass on our deepest condolences to Jack’s wife, Carol, their children and grandchildren.


Tony McKone
Club President